Why Artichoke Extract Is Going to Be the Next Big Ingredient in Beauty

Is there any veggie more overlooked than the artichoke? They generally show little color or vibrancy like other produce picks do and they can be polarizing on their tastiness. But there’s one thing everyone can agree on: This unsung heros of the vegetable world are little health powerhouses. And, it turns out their extract, when applied topically, is good for your skin.
Just check out our April Glow Gamechanger, the Yuri Pibu Artichoke Power Essence, a powerful essence that not only helps to firm and smooth the appearance of skin, but protects your complexion from the environment, too, thanks to loads of antioxidants. The use of artichoke extract itself is relatively new, which is what makes the Power Essence so unique. Dr. Dendy Englemann, a NYC-based dermatologist notes that there’s still very limited evidence of an artichoke’s antioxidant efficacy when consumed. (Note we did not ask Dr. Dendy to smear some artichoke on her face.) But since they are full of flavonoids — the same powerhouse antioxidants found in dark chocolate — artichoke extract could become a big player in the anti-aging, protective skin-care game, but more research is likely needed. Hence the whole game-changer thing.
One of the confirmed heavy hitters used in the Yuri Pibu essence is witch hazel extract — a miracle worker thanks to its all-natural astringent, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and anti-inflammatory effects. You may notice a bit of tingling when you apply the essence — if you do, that’s the witch hazel hard at work tightening your pores. And despite its featherweight texture — which, by the way, makes it a great summer buy — it actually also offers a ton of hydration thanks to barrier-protective ceramides.
Plus antioxidants, which protect the skin — your body’s barrier — from free radicals, are protected by a fatty acid mix of ceramides, makes your complexion appear smoother and tighter while warding off even more potential damage, too. After a few days of regular application, Glow Recipe co-founder Sarah Lee legit fell in love. Hand to heart, if you’re looking for bouncy, moisturized skin (aren’t we all?) then this essence should become your new beauty-product go-to.
How do you plan on using your Artichoke Power Essence? Let us know in the comments!