Tester Panel Review: Blossom Jeju Soombi Cleansing Oil

As soon as the GR team found out that Blossom Jeju was coming out with a cleansing oil and foaming cleanser, we were nearly inconsolable with excitement. We’re all about the benefits of Camellia oil in our offices- each of us has a different way that we love to use the antioxidant powerhouse. Blossom Jeju’s new cleansing oil is formulated with 55% antioxidant rich Camellia oil to fight free radical damage, and is rich in skin-essential vitamins and Omegas 3, 6, and 9. Luxuriously textured, and mineral oil free, the oil gently melts makeup and impurities while combating dry skin for a thorough cleansing treatment or quick oil massage.
We decided to share the new Camellia Soombi Cleansing Oil with our tester panel- a multi-aged, multi-ethnic group of women with different skin types that are passionate about beauty and willing to share their feedback with us at our NYC offices. We’re happy to report that this one was a hit, folks!
Summer is the time when sweat and sebum start to build up beneath makeup and sunscreens, causing uneven texture and blemishes. The best way to make sure your skin is perfectly clean and ready for skincare is by using a cleansing oil- and we recommend finding a SLS free foaming cleanser to remove residue afterward. Those two combine to help you to complete your double cleansing regimen, and then you’re good to Glow!
Each tester is given up to three weeks to test a product, then they meet with us for a focus group to help us get real feedback on the newest Glow Recipe curations. Our goal is to make sure each and every product we carry is enjoyable and easy to use. We also want to be sure they can used by all skin types, tones and concerns with no irritation. (We’ll be opening up the Panel to the entire US later this year- sign up for our email list on glowrecipe.com to be notified when we start recruiting!)
While we realized this cleansing oil was a winner at first pump, we wanted to share it with our panel to get a broader perspective. 70% of the panel describe themselves as religious double cleansers, while 30% either never double cleanse or sometimes double cleanse. If you’re curious about double cleansing but not sure if it’s right for you, we wrote up a few tips last month that can help you get started.
Our Panelists loved that the the light, jasmine scent was natural and not over-powering. The makeup-wearers among the panel made it clear that foundation and waterproof mascara were no match for this powerful first cleanser. In fact, a full 100% of the panel reported that they enjoyed using the Soombi Cleansing Oil, and 100% of the panel noted that the cleanser completely removed all traces of makeup. Watch the full Tester Panel review below:
Ready to try it for yourself? Use code: OILCLEANSE4LIFE for $5 off the Blossom Jeju Cleansing Oil, now through 6/5.