It's a Skinchanger: The Glow Recipe Team Talks Watermelon Glow

Written by — November 07, 2017

It's a Skinchanger: The Glow Recipe Team Talks Watermelon Glow

Skinchanger – adj: skincare so good and so effective that no other word can be used to offer an adequate and complete description – it’s simply skinchanging.

When describing skincare day in and day out, we use the same words and feelings to describe products: hydrating, smoothing, beautiful, luxurious. Sometimes, there are the formulas that stop conversations in their tracks. Someone will breathe a simple “wow” when applying the formula for the first time, or we’ll look at each other, trying to succinctly describe what makes it different, and come up blank. So much K-Beauty is good, we think – but this is skin-changing. We’ll nod in unison – because the best way to describe it is that it simply changes skin: somewhere beyond improving and perfecting lies skinchanging. Not many products earn this descriptor.

When we first started working on the Watermelon Glow Sleeping Mask, in the very earliest conversations and focus groups, we realized that we had something skinchanging on our hands. The reviews and praise that the formula has earned have confirmed it. Each and every member of our team has loved and used Watermelon since the very first lab samples – follow along with us as each Glow team member shares what’s made Watermelon skinchanging for them! First up are Katie, Jessica and Roz:

Stay tuned next week for more, and tell us what you think of Watermelon in the comments!

Get your Glow on,
The Glow Recipe Team