Introducing: the Glow Mystery (Mask) Launch Box!

Part of the thrill for a skincare junkie is finding new favorites. With each product that our team doesn’t love, there’s the sense that the next box we open or sheet mask we unfold will be that much lovelier! Maybe it’ll have a killer scent, genius packaging, or the texture of the sheet mask will be something we’ve never seen before.
When you find the product that makes you revel in true skincaretainment, you know you’ve struck gold. It’s a little bit like gambling… but your friends and family judge you less for it!
Reading blog posts and scrolling through Instagram feeds can give you a bit of the same thrill, but we want to introduce something better: the Glow Mystery Launch Box. AKA the closest thing to flying all of our customers to Seoul, hanging out together, and bringing you along to meetings with all the up and coming brands we’re excited about.

Here’s the deal.
Sarah is traveling to Korea this month. She’ll fill a #glowtesting box with ten of the best, neatest, and newest masks she can find. It’s her mission to share the thrill of the hunt with you! We’ll have a very limited number of Mystery Boxes available- so sign up here to be notified when they’re available.
If you want to get your hands on the box, you can grab one (or two!) of them for $35 with free shipping. Then, you can use #GlowTesting to help us decide which masks we should actually launch at Glow Recipe!
Happy hunting,